Friday, 18 March 2011

Barnes Farmers Market, ORGANIC and FREE RANGE meats, fresh fish, fruit and veg, fine bakery products, luxury cheeses and homemade apple juice to name but a few offerings each week.

Go and see Andy, a farmer from somerset, for all your meat. The Organic Pork Roasting Joint and the Duck Breasts are amazing. He also does the best organic fresh eggs.

There is a lovely little cheese shop on the main high street and a little further up you will find a great fish shop.
London Markets

It can be quite hard sometimes to find good food. So over the next few weeks lookawesomenaked will share some of the London Markets we use and love.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Apple Crumble 

What you need...

x 3 Apples (Pink Ladies are naturally sweet, so work well)
x 1 Organic Dorset Cereal
x 1 Organic almonds 
x 1/2 Stick of Cinnamon 
x 2 Table spoons on honey
50g Butter 

Fry the apples till golden brown. Let the apples cool just for a bit then add the honey and cote the apples.

Blend the cinnamon, almonds, cereal and butter. 

Pour the honey coated apples in to a oven proof dish and top with 90% of the crumble mix. Pat the crumble down with a spoon, this will make it crunchy, then sprinkle the remaining mix on to the top.

Place in the oven on 160 for 30mis or until crumble is golden brown. 

Monday, 7 February 2011

Challenge 4 the Week

We often eat too many of the same types of foods, this limits the variety of vitamins and minerals we get.

This weeks challenge is to try something new or something you have not had for a while.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Pork & Apple Sunday Roast

What you will need 

4 apples
1 onion
pork joint 

Preheat the oven to 160. Put a small amount of coconut oil on the top of the pork and season. 

After 60mins chop the apples in to thick slices and fry with coconut oil until brown. Slice and add in the onion. 

Put the sliced onions and apples into the roasting dish with the pork and cook for a further 10mins.

In a rush? Use pork steaks and this can take 20mins.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Eat 5 meals a day

Eating requires roughly 70 calories per meal, so 
eating 5 meals a day, 3 meals and 2 snacks, will 
burn 350 calories per day! 

3500 calories = 1lb of fat

So every 10 days you could burn an extra 1lb of fat just for eating more regularly 

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

What to cook with.

Olive oil is a great healthy fat to have in your diet, but a low smoke rate or tolerance to heat means that most cooking methods will denature it. 

Try it and see... heat some olive oil in a pan then pour it into a glass jar. Would you drink it?

Try coconut oil, much better for frying and roasting.

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - 460g

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Can chocolate be a super food? 

If you are going to have a treat, why not make it a super food!

Hint Of Mint - Conscious Chocolate

Monday, 17 January 2011

How many calories should I eat each day?

It is slightly different for everybody depending on size, age, sex and activity levels. A quick guide is to times your body weight in kilos by 25 calories, for example a 75 kilo man should eat approximately 1875 calories per day. 

If you are trying to lose some weight why not contact us and we can help you achieve this.

Friday, 14 January 2011


If you deprive yourself, you will only crave it more. Have a small treat once a day or dedicate one day of the week, where you can have what you want as a reward for keeping on track. 

Can chocolate be a super food? 
Find out next week...

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Clear Vision

Having a clear vision or goal is key to any success. Make sure you set clear goals and write them somewhere that you will see every day. 

Good goal - 60kg by 12th July 2011.
Why - To go on holiday looking and feeling great. Also to set a good example to my children that will encourage them to eat well too.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs with Spinach

It is hard to get enough omega 3 in your diet, so having an omega 3 rich breakfast a couple of times a week will really help to top you up. Here is one recipe to get you started.

The best eggs to use are Clarence Court Burford Browns, if you find better let us know. Scramble 2 or 3 eggs, when almost cooked the way you like add some spinach and wilt in. Top with smoked salmon and a slice or two of toasted rye bread.

The more omega 3 the darker the salmon, be careful as farmed salmon can be fed pellets to add colour. Try Wild Alaskan Salmon.

Monday, 10 January 2011

One Minute Parma & Mozzarella
Running late and in a rush to get out the front door or just need to grab a quick lunch, try this quick and easy recipe

Take three or four slices on Parma ham straight out the fridge and cut a mozzarella ball in half, drizzle with olive oil and pepper if you wish.

Friday, 7 January 2011


Remember to drink water regularly through the day, especially after any strenuous activity, a general rule is 0.033ml per kg of body weight.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Train 4 less get better results!

So many people unnecessarily overtrain and stress their body by working out too hard in the gym. The perception we have of becoming a gym monkey to get that perfect body can be really discouraging. Here is a top tip to keep you workouts short, keep you motivated and get you the results you deserve. 

After 45 minutes of exercise the body produces a stress hormone, Cortisol. Cortisol has been shown to increase abdominal fat, associated with health problems, and to also reduce protein synthesis which prevents tissue growth. Simply put you will lose muscle mass and gain body fat, the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

So keep you workouts short and sweet, 30mins works well. This way you can train harder and more frequently, getting you better, more sustainable results.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Pea & Dill Soup
If you are not very goods at eating your greens or sometimes just cannot get your 5 a day, this is perfect
You will need
Fresh Peas 300g not an issue if you use frozen
1 Bag of Spinach 200g
Dill as much or as little as you like
1 Onion
1 Garlic
Pancetta 60g
1 Small Chili
  1. In a pan heat the peas with a small amount of water, you can add or take away water depending if you like a thinner or thicker soup
  2. Chop the onion into four, cut the chilly in half and deseed and chop the garlic
  3. Fry the Pancetta, Onion, Garlic and Chili
  4. Put the peas in the blender first, then add the spinach slowly. Finally add the  Pancetta, Onion, Garlic and Chili and season to taste

This is also a great way to use up all the veggies in the fridge that are in danger of getting thrown away

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

5 Minute Bacon & Avo
 The bacon and the avocado work so well together giving you lasting energy and filling you up till your next meal, so no cravings! 

Cook the 2 or 3 rashers of Bacon any way you wish, slice an avocado in half and add a slice of toasted rye bread… Done!